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Specifications and Methodology for the Drafting of Protocols by the Ministry of Tourism.

The contents of the Accommodation Protocol San Giorgio Boutique Hotel concerns Prevention, Precaution and Safety measures as well as Incident Response Procedures. Each tourist accommodation draws up a Protocol in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Tourism.

San Giorgio, taking into account the instructions of the Ministry of Tourism for the implementation of new health protocols in the country's tourist accommodation with a view to their reopening in the context of the new reality created by COVID-19 disease, proceeds to the drafting of a Protocol.
The Protocol includes the development of an Action Plan and the development of a Plan for the Management of a Suspicious Case within the Group's accommodations.

The aim of the Action Plan is to prevent the occurrence and effectively manage suspected cases to limit the expansion to staff and guests, always in accordance with the applicable guidelines of the National Public Health Organization. The Action Plan complies with the ESA's recommendations and will be reviewed in line with developments.

The aim of the hotel with the Action Plan and with the Suspicious Case Management Plan is on the one hand to protect its staff and guests and to guide its staff to take the necessary measures to prevent and protect against COVID-19 disease.

Coordinator for the supervision of the implementation of the San Giorgio Boutique hotel  Accommodation Protocol is appointed the representative MArine Evangelos. He is also the Implementation Officer of the Suspicious Case Management Plan (SDS).

The staff is trained in the observance of the protocol or the individual protocols by part of the accommodation with a corresponding reference of the individuals, the duration and manner of the training (e.g. teleeducation, training by an external accredited partner, etc.). A Certificate of Education is given in an Annex to this article by the instructor.

These include:

Personal hygiene measures and Personal Protection Instruments

The Administration takes measures to implement good personal hygiene practices (both by employees and by third parties) in the workplace and supervises their continuous implementation. Specific:
  • It informs and encourages staff and third parties to comply with good personal and respiratory hygiene practices (washing - cleaning of hands, covering of nose and mouth during coughing or sneezing with tissue, etc.).
  • It provides suitable facilities such as hand wash basins and required materials - means, such as antiseptic solutions (in the form of liquid, foam, gel, impregnated wipes to workers and places appropriate mechanisms for hand-sepsis at the entrances/exits and public areas of the property, emphasizes cases where workers come into contact with the general public.
  • It provides personnel with appropriate Personal Protection Instruments (PPIs) (masks, face shield, gloves, protective nets, etc.), in accordance with the specific instructions/guidelines of the ESA, the National Public Health Protection Commission and decisions of competent bodies.
  • It oversees the adequacy of stocks in MDs.
  • It trains staff for the safe use of MSDs on the basis of ESA guidelines and supervises their proper use.
  • It supervises the participation of third parties (e.g. customers, partners, distributors, etc.) on the premises and informs them in order to avoid overcrowding, ensure the maintenance of the required distances and to make use of THE PPIs.
  • It gives continuous information to staff, in any appropriate way, such as oral information, posting of notices or notices of information/reminder on personal hygiene and preventive measures in all areas, online, etc.
  • It trains on the required actions of the workers themselves in the event of suspected symptoms, such as the immediate information of the health officer and the Administration to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and the intended isolation.
  • It informs and trains the staff regarding the specific instructions for cleaning in the event of an outbreak. (c) if there is an escort who wishes to stay close to him, a simple surgical mask is issued and a recommendation is made to wash his hands thoroughly after any contact with the suspect case and not touch his face, (d) staff members are prohibited from entering the room and only a member of staff is treated with the customer's requests, (e) the used personal protective equipment is discarded in a closed bin, (f) after the disposal of the protective equipment, a thorough hand washing is followed.
  • It encourages workers and customers to use scales and avoid the use of lifts as far as possible.

Event Book

  • For the purposes of public health protection actions, the management of the accommodation shall keep a record of the staff members and all persons staying at the hotel (name, nationality, date of arrival and departure, contact details such as address, telephone, e-mail) in order to enable contact with the close contacts of any COVID-19 case, which may be identified retrospectively.
  • There is the intended care and security in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and all visitors and staff are informed that a record is kept for reasons of public health protection.
  • There is also a recording and updating of the COVID-19 Event Book in the hotel reception.
Each member of the hotel's staff strictly complies with the basic protective measures against Covid-19. In particular, workers must apply good personal and respiratory hygiene practices:
  • Frequent hand washing with soap and water for at least 40 seconds, in any case before and after contact with money or customer items, before eating, before and after the work break, after visiting the toilet and carefully drying hands with disposable paper towels and discarding them in the trash cans. Alternatively, use of alcohol-based antiseptics with a content of at least 60% ethyl alcohol or 70% isopropyl alcohol.
  • Covering the nose and mouth during coughing or sneezing with tissue / alternatively if this is not available, cover mouth to middle part of the elbow.
  • Disposal of tissues or other personal hygiene materials or means used to disinfect work surfaces in a closed waste bin.
  • Avoid handshakes and generally close physical contact, keeping a distance of at least two metres from colleagues, customers or third parties in all workplaces, hotel areas and rest areas.
  • Avoid touching the front of the mask or face shield.
  • Avoid touching with the hands of the face.
  • Informing a health official in case of malaise or symptomatology compatible with Covid-19 infection or contact with a possible or confirmed case and removal from the workplace.
  • Stay at home in case of malaise and inform the health officer.
  • Return to the workplace only if the laboratory test is negative and after 14 days after close contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19.
Reception service
Staff take the necessary hygiene measures, keep distances of at least 1.5 meters from customers and follow hygiene rules.
  • When requested, it is possible to:
    • informing visitors of the property's policy and the measures taken to deal with any incidents
    • providing useful information for health providers, public and private hospitals, COVID-19 reference hospitals and pharmacies in the region;
    • provision of Personal Protection Instruments if and when requested by the customer.
  • Special equipment (medical kit) for the occurrence of an incident, such as disposable gloves and masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, apron, long-sleeved robe, laser thermometer. The special kit is equipped and located at a point behind the reception and all project managers and staff are informed about its use.
  • Staff can recognise customer symptoms and report it directly to the health officer.
  • Use of protective glazing in the socket.
  • There is an antiseptic for use by the customer in the socket.
  • Regular disinfection of the reception surfaces shall be applied.
  • The reception desk is properly configured to maintain distances.
  • Floor marking shall be placed at a distance of two metres where the customer is standing, and appropriate distance marking in the waiting area. The layout of the furniture is modified and the people waiting to be served are properly managed with the aim of reducing waiting times and maintaining safety distances.
  • Avoid crowding at check-in/check-out, maintain personal distances.
  • We encourage electronic payment of accommodation expenses, electronic sending of accounts, invoices and receipts (accepting cash in exceptional cases).
  • Disinfecting key cards
  • Extended check-in and check-out between stays. Check-out until 11:00 a.m. and check-in from 15:00 p.m. With the time elapsed between each check-in and check-out, it is ensured that between different guests the room is cleaned, thoroughly disinfected and adequate physical ventilation of the space is followed.
  • Non-residents are prohibited from entering the rooms.
Floor & Room Services
  • Cleaning staff use simple surgical mask, footwork, gloves and waterproof disposable robe.
  • After removing the MDs it is necessary to wash the hands with water and soap and discard them closed bucket.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of all hard surfaces, floors, chairs, knobs, etc. with disposable cloths/fabrics or cleaning paper and mops with detachable heads.
  • Discarded equipment is treated as a possible contaminant and disposed of.
  • 0.1% sodium hypochlorite is used after cleaning with neutral detergent. For surfaces that are likely to be destroyed by the use of sodium hypochlorite, it is necessary to use ethanol with a concentration of 70% after cleaning with neutral detergent.
  • When using disinfectants, the space is well ventilated.
  • Avoid splashing and spraying during cleaning and disinfection.
  • For cleanliness and disinfection in case of an outbreak:
    • all surfaces likely contaminated and all objects visibly soiled/contaminated with bodily fluids shall be washed and disinfected in accordance with the above instructions;
    • cleaning staff uses simple surgical mask, footwork, gloves and waterproof disposable robe;
    • as long as it works, does not touch the face with your hands, does not smoke, does not eat,
    • after removing the protective equipment ensures proper disposal and thorough washing of hands with water and soap.
  • Hygiene services are supported in all public areas, in particular in 'high risk' items.
  • Thorough cleaning and very good room ventilation are applied during the hours between stays.
  • The adequacy of staff PPIs equipment (gloves, masks, robe, closed shoes, etc.) is checked.
  • There is discreet monitoring by Customer Management with symptoms to manage.
  • Uncommon room cleaning during the stay (avoid contact of cleaning staff with possible case and further transmission).
  • For departures, 2 protocols shall apply:
    1. Normal cleaning and waiting 24 hours before the room is made available to a customer or
    2. Thorough cleaning – disinfection on the room and bathroom surfaces in dispute and cleaning of fabric surfaces with steam apparatus (temperature> 70°).
  • Decorative objects are removed.
  • Multi-use shared objects are removed. All the notepads – leaflets, etc. are removed from the rooms.
  • Open doors and windows for physical ventilation of the space.
Shared areas
Public areas include lobby, living rooms, outdoor living rooms and the following measures are applied:
  • Good ventilation of the common areas.
  • Installation of antiseptic solutions (fixed or non-fixed devices) for dry antisepsis of the hands.
  • Mark to remind customers to keep physical distances.
  • Move furniture to avoid crowding in public areas (4 persons/10 sq.m.).
  • Remove decorative objects and shared multi-purpose objects.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces.
  • Restriction of the crowded toilets.
Air Conditioning and Ventilation
  • Increase the supply of fresh air to all Central Air Conditioning Units (KMPs).
  • Avoid air recirculation.
  • Continuous operation of THE CMS (24/7) even if the part they feed does not work, to avoid the proliferation of micro-organisms.
  • Ensure adequate ventilation of all outdoor air spaces.
  • The replacement of filters for CMMs and split units will be carried out in accordance with scheduled maintenance and work will be carried out using and taking all protective measures (personal protective equipment, ventilation of space, safe collection of filters replaced) including respiratory protection.
Swimming Tanks
'With a view to protecting and ensuring the health of bathers in swimming pools and public health in general, the need to faithfully comply with the provisions of the legislation in force concerning the construction requirements and operating conditions of swimming pools, as well as to monitor their efficient and safe operation, by intensifying health checks in the country's public swimming pools, is highlighted.
It is recalled that public swimming pools meet all the conditions of construction requirements for safe operation purposes (construction materials, general space layout, inflow and outflow orifices, overflow grooves, lighting, ventilation, recirculation system, water disinfection, etc.) of (a) relative.

  • The water quality of the swimming pools shall comply with the provisions of Article 15 of the (a) relevant
  • The water of the swimming pools is constantly renewed throughout their operation, at a rate that ensures its complete renewal in a time of not more than 4 hours and in special cases of 6 hours. Renewal must be achieved either by continuous flow of new clean water or by recirculation of tank water after prior cleaning and disinfection. The water recirculation-cleaning-disinfection system will operate at all times of use of the tanks and beyond for as long as it is necessary to ensure clear and microbiologically suitable water.
  • Disinfection is mandatory in all cases of operation of swimming pools as expressly required by Article 18 of (a) concerned.
  • The measurement of chlorine residue in the water of the swimming pools will be chromatographically performed using the DPD method (Diethylparaphenyldiamine). The concentration of residual chlorine will be between 0.4 and 0.7 mg/l .
  • Wastewater shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable health and environmental provisions.
Following the above and with a view to formulating a comprehensive picture of the monitoring of the efficient and safe operation of swimming pools,the representative of the accommodation has been declared to be carrying out the procedure concerning the corresponding health and sampling checks in the swimming pools of its responsibility with frequency according to the law on the treatment of coronavirus. This circular together with the attached tables can be found on the route: periballontos/prostasia-poiothtas-ydatwn/poiothta-neroy-kolymbhtikwn-deksamenwn

Proper disinfection of swimming pools is extremely necessary for vulnerable groups in particular, and to avoid transmission through the faecal oral tract Chlorination: proper operation and maintenance of chlorination systems in accordance with the legislation in force (see HR C1/443/1973 as amended by C4/1150/76 and DYG2/80825/05 and circular on "Prevention of Legionnaires' disease"). According to WHO guidelines for safe recreational water environments ( Volume 2 - Swimming pools and similar environments), the value of residual chlorine in tank water shall be 1-3 mg/L for swimming pools and up to 5 mg/L for water tanks. Manual control (or use of halogen analyser with paper recorder) of chlorine levels shall be carried out every 4 hours for bathing tanks and every hour for the hydromalacting tanks and a log keeping, unless there is an automatic halogen analyser and a monitoring system with a notification system when the parameter values are out of bounds.

PH adjustment: pH values in recreational water installations are kept within the limits laid down by the legislation in force (see HR C1/443/1973 as amended by C4/1150/76 and DYG2/80825/05). Regular pH records shall be recorded every eight hours during the operation of the swimming pools in the absence of an automatic recording system.

Cleaning and disinfection: compliance with rules for the cleaning of recreational water facilities, regular cleaning and disinfection in accordance with the ESA Directives "Recommended procedures for cleaning and disinfecting hospitality facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic".
Number of bathers: it is maintained that the maximum total number of inbounds in the tank at any time is not greater than one bathper per 5 m2 of water surface.

Distance keeping: the layout of the seats (sun beds, chairs, pof, sezlong, etc.) is such that the distance between the farthest points of the seats of two persons located in two different umbrellas or two persons staying in a different room, is at least 2 meters in each direction.

There are no decorative fountains.
Environmental measures
Environmental measures to limit the spread of the virus include:
  • Adequate ventilation of workplaces and regular maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Natural ventilation of the premises and avoidance of confusion of atoms in enclosed spaces without adequate air renewal.
  • Cleaning with detergents or disinfectants, regularly and in any case during the change of shift of the infrastructure and surfaces of workplaces, communal areas such as break-rest areas, changing rooms, toilets, baths, etc., work equipment as well as tools, appliances and objects used.
  • Disinfection, in accordance with the instructions of the ESA, of places where a possible or confirmed case of Covid-19 infection has been detected.
  • Frequent cleaning of work clothes and the usual personal protective equipment granted, as well as their safe storage.
  • Care for strictly personal use of ordinary MAs.
Drinking water - Water/sewerage network
The accommodation complies with the circular of the Ministry of Health «Protection of Public Health from SARS-COV-2 conovirus in water and sanitation systems»

During its reopening, the steps described in the Directive have been followed: «ESGLI Guidance for managing Legionella in building water systems during the COVID-19 pandemic».
COVID-19 Suspicious Case Management Plan
If a visitor experiences symptoms consistent with COVID-19 infection, the following are applied:
  1. The doctor with whom the tourist accommodation cooperates is called for an assessment of the incident by the Accommodation Manager if the patient wishes otherwise he is advised to visit the General Hospital of Santorini
  2. If the patient is in urgent need of hospitalization, presents a serious clinical picture, is taken to the General Hospital of Santorini, as a suspected case of COVID-19.
  3. If the patient displays a mild clinical picture, a sample is taken from the doctor for laboratory confirmation COVID-19 previously notified by the Accommodation Manager by recording the incident in the Event Book
  4. If the incident is assessed as possible COVID-19 by the examining physician, the hotel's health officer shall contact the ESA immediately at 210 5212054 or the special four-digit number 1135 (24 hours a day), for a statement of the suspicious case and instructions for dealing with it. Step-by-step clarifications fromthe 2nd DYPE/EEA
  5. The patient with a mild clinical picture remains in his room until the results of the laboratory test are communicated.
  6. During this wait, staff shall be avoided in the patient's room if there is no significant reason. If a need occurs, a staff member of the accommodation is advised to deal exclusively with the possible case.
  7. The doctor and hotel staff entering the suspect's room or later confirmed case must use high protection personal protective (MAD) (masks, glasses, waterproof disposable robes). The same applies to staff who will deal with room cleaning with COVID-19.
  8. If confirmed as a COVID-19 case, it is transferred to the special quarantine hotel and later to a health facility that will accommodate patients with COVID-19 if they need hospitalization. The Room Cleaning and Disinfection Instructions are followed in accordance with the instructions of the E.O.D.Y. Special Instructions for cleaning in case of an event recorded on page 9 and 10 of this. If it is not confirmed as a CASE OF COVID-19, it is treated on site with the instructions of the attending physician.
  9. The patient is transported by MA (simple surgical mask) and private means of transport.
  10. If there is an escort of the patient, who wishes to stay close to him to care for him (e.g. spouse), the attendant should be given a simple surgical mask and recommended to wash his hands whenever he comes into contact with the patient's secretions (e.g. saliva) and in any case before the attendant touches his face or eats or drinks.
  11. The patient's relative contact details should always be recorded in the Event Book in case consent is required for operations where the patient cannot communicate.
  12. Used protective equipment (simple disposable surgical mask, gloves) must be discarded in a bin and under no circumstances reused.
  13. After disposing of protective equipment, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. It is emphasized that the use of gloves does not replace hand washing, which is a very important means of prevention.
Patient Room Cleaning and Disinfection
  • Good cleaning of surfaces, often touched by the patient, especially if the surfaces are soiled with biological fluids.
  • The cleaning staff uses a simple surgical mask, footrests, gloves and a disposable waterproof robe.
  • After removing the gloves, good hand washing follows.
  • Fabric surfaces are cleaned with a steam device (temperature> 70.).